Exeter Corned Beef – 340g

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Buy Exeter corned beef – 340g online on 247foods.ng, Corned Beef Nutrients to begin with, corned beef is low in calories but high in fat, and is an excellent source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. A serving of 320 grams of corned beef contains 87% of vitamin B12, 48% of niacin, 37% of vitamin B6, and 32% of riboflavin. It also has a considerable amount of vitamin K, folate, and thiamin. It is rich in essential minerals like zinc, iron, phosphorus, selenium, and copper. Corned beef has no dietary fiber, and about 101% DV (Daily Value) of saturated fat per 320 grams. An average serving of corned beef has 30% of the recommended daily intake of cholesterol according to the American Heart Association (AHA). In addition, corned beef contains 16 grams of fat and 5 grams of saturated fat, which equals to 25% and 35%, respectively, according to the AHA’s total daily consumption of fats for healthy people. With 960 milligrams of sodium, corned beef can potentially spike blood pressure levels. A single serving of corned beef contains 40% of the AHA guidelines for the total daily consumption of sodium.There are many nutritious corned beef choices available, including more than nine low fat, reduced sodium, and natural options.

247foods.ng is the perfect site to do your grocery shopping – low prices and huge discounts always. Most products come with directions for how to use them but if the product is not branded or doesn’t have any label or packaging, you can check online or ask friends for directions for use. Consumer goods products made by manufacturers will typically come with instructions for use; if you don’t find this enclosed, exercise caution before using or consuming any product you’re unfamiliar with. It is made by one of the most popular manufacturers for this product category and there are hundreds of distributors that supply it across supermarkets and markets in Lagos, Nigeria. If you want to know where to purchase it, the best place to check is an online retailer that you can order online from and have delivered to you at home. This is one of the top-selling products in Nigeria and also one of the most famous brands. One of the first questions customers ask about a product is – how much does it cost? And the answer is – not a lot if you’re buying online from 247foods.ng. If you want to know the health benefits, check the ingredients and contents which will be stated on the packaging if available. Otherwise, you can do an online search to know more about it. For those concerned about weight loss, weight gain or burning excess fat, be sure to monitor the calories and cholesterol in your diet. You should eat foods that lower cholesterol and reduce the likelihood of high blood pressure and heart disease. High BP and diabetes are very common in this part of the world but they can be partly managed by reducing stress, eating less oily foods and having a generally healthy diet that is combined with regular exercise. Knowing the ingredients in your food is also important in order to be conscious of any adverse side effects on your health or immune system. The undisputed online retailer to get low prices and huge discounts always.

Buy Exeter corned beef – 340g on 247foods.ng, we deliver within 24hours.


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Exeter Corned Beef – 340g

Exeter Corned Beef - 340g
